I always read these kind of things online, so I thought I would write one that many people could relate to.
If you have never seen "How I Met Your Mother" then this letter won't make sense to you. You should also get on that and watch the series because it's amazing.
Dear "Robin,"
I know that you believe we're never meant to be. And I totally respect that. I know that I'm the one you can always rely on to give you a listening ear, a hug, a smile, or just to assure you that someone cares for you. I know that when times get hard with your dating life, career, school, whatever it may be, that I am a foundation of rock to tell you that you can do it.
I also know that you've been through a lot. Your thoughts, fears, dreams, likes, dislikes, everything has been shared between the two of us. You've never judged me, and you've never left my side.
We've had some times where we fall apart. We've had our ups and downs. We've dated and watched each other date other people. I've even told you that I love you multiple times. And yet you haven't run away which I'm so grateful for.
"Robin," this letter isn't to try and win you back. This isn't a way for me to try and make you feel guilt. This letter is for you to know that I've accepted who we are together and how at peace I am with it. This is a way to show you that I will always be there for you. No matter what the world throws at you, at me, or at us, we will get through it together.
I know that we will never fall in love. It's been a hard journey for me to finally come to grips with that, but I really have accepted it in my heart. You found love and I found love, and it's amazing.
Please know though that because I'll always be there for you, I will always love you as well. I will still steal a French blue horn for you, even a blue orchestra. I'll decorate our apartment in Christmas lights extravaganza to cheer you up. I'll miss you when you go to Russia, and I'll be the first to greet you when you come back.
I will always be a phone call away. You have evolved to be one of my dearest closest friends. Never forget that.
"Robin Sherbatsky" you are amazing. I will always love you.
"Ted Mosby"
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