I had my farewell today; and I leave in 10 days. WHAT?!
How did this sneak up on me so fast?! I'm already down to 10 days?! I feel like there's so much to do still, and hardly any time now!! In 5 minutes, I'm going to be officially in the single digits. *_*
First off, I'm super stoked. Scared out of my mind, but excited to experience this. I've never been away from home in this kind of manner yet, so this is going to be quite the new adventure! My family has also always had the experiences of life through my older sister first, but she is married and so I'm the first (and last) missionary in our family! I don't like being the guinea pig (all the more reason why I'm glad my sister is the older one)!!!
I also had my farewell today (except, in one minute it'll be midnight, so technically yesterday). That was weird, in a good way. It just never seemed like the day I would be hosting a farewell would come. And yet here we are; it's come and gone. And I'm so glad it went the way it did. I think I gave a pretty good talk, but that's always up for judgment to the audience. Then we had lunch at our house and it was quite the success. So. Much. Food. And almost all of it was gone!! Apparently my dad counted how many people came and there were over 50! I feel so loved :')
I was really grateful for everyone that was there, and all the support and love they've given me all these years. I'm also really grateful for the friends that took the effort to come to my farewell, especially my friends who live in Provo. That's not a short drive, and so it was so good to see them, and it made me so happy. I've truly been blessed with such great friends who are strong in the Gospel and uplift me to be better.
I'm grateful for the home ward and all the people who are in it. This ward is seriously so great. I'm going to miss the people here. It's funny, I've realized there are quite a bit of people in this ward who have known me since I was really little. Those people have been a wonderful blessing in my life as well.
I'm so glad my talk is over though!! Won't have to worry about that for a while :)
It's now the final wind down of life, as I now transition from normal person to a missionary of the Lord.
I'll post back again soon (I hope)!! In the words of my sista, Party Rock.
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