Friday, July 13, 2012

The unemployment line

Been trying to find a job in Provo since the beginning of time and still haven't found anything. And I'm fairly confident that no one has applied as many times as I have so far. It's pretty frustrating to see others just get the first job they apply for like it's no big deal. I don't know what I'm missing, but I never realized how frustrating and disappointing it is to not get a job and continue being unemployed. Lots of people complain about work and wish they didn't have a job on Facebook; I'd be happy to take their job from them and earn that money instead. I just wish they didn't complain and realize how lucky they are to actually get a job. I see now how difficult the job force is and how hard it is to snatch a job. You just have to be lucky or have the connections to get something.

Being unemployed also makes me so grateful for my parents and for the financial support they give me. I would probably be bankrupt right now if they didn't help me, and I'd be living in a cardboard box if they didn't let me live at home in that situation.

But even though I'm glad they're there for me and help me out so much, I still wish I could at least be somewhat financially stable on my own. I see friends and loads of college students going through life like me; but they have at least one job and take care of themselves just fine. I need that experience and wish I could learn those things right now. But I've got a job on the unemployment line....

I don't know when my time will be, or when my luck will come around to get me a job, but I'm really hoping it's soon. Here's to hoping my 1000th time applying everywhere will at least bring me an interview.

Wish me luck


  1. You'll find what your looking for soon. I once took a friend of mine to a shopping center and we just went door to door asking about jobs in each place. It seemed to work well.

  2. Love you sister. It'll all work out. Promise.
